Previously the producer Felix de Laet alias Lost Frequencies could combine his studies in economics and music easily. Until the first single of the 21-year old from Brussels, “Are You With Me”, climbed to number one in the top charts from Belgium. The moment he signed with the record label The Bearded Man, a sub-division of Armada Music has been the catalyst of a brightening music career, which is truly getting started right now.
First why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself and your musical background. What was the first impetus for starting producing? I have always loved music and wondered how electronic music was produced. I used to listen to a lot of house and electro-house tracks. And I always thought to myself that, one day, I would be producing that kind of music all by myself!
So here I am, producing that kind of deep-melodic-house and I really enjoy it!
Where does the name ‘Lost Frequencies’ come from? Basically, I wanted to create a profile where I looked for old tunes that people aren’t listening to anymore, and turn them into new clubber tracks. And I’d call those remixed tracks, Lost Frequencies!
Your tracks have sound that’s being called “tropical house”. How would you describe your music and why? As I told you before, I think I’m rather a deep-melodic-house producer more so than a tropical house one. For me tropical house is a lot slower than what I produce. I like the tropical movement though, however I don’t think I am a part of it. But, if you liked to say I produce that kind of music, then go ahead, that’s not a problem with me!
What was the very first track with this sound you ever heard? I think the first track I played and that was tagged tropical house is the remix of Thomas Jack of Monsters And Men! I really enjoy that track and thought the genre describing tropical was really cool.
What artists would you say are your greatest musical inspirations? I love Flume’s originality, but the one track that influenced me the most in my musical genre production is without a doubt Wankelmut’s remix of One Day.
Your track ”Are You With Me”, has gained the most attention, and recently hit the top charts in Belgium. What influenced and inspired you to create this track? Did you ever imagine that this would become your breakthrough? I wanted to make this track because I really love the color of the guitar, and I wanted to make the guitar part of the main act in the track while keeping it as minimalistic possible. I think I managed to do this well and the result is a number 1 track in my home country, which I of course, would’ve never expected !
If you could play any venue or festival, what would it be and why? I think it would be Tomorrowland, because, first of all, it’s a Belgian act, and it is really one of the festivals I’ve always wanted to go to, even as a spectator.
What are your Top 3 played songs from 2014?
I think those would be :
Really, 3 amazing tracks!
What is the most beautiful place you’ve ever been? Without a doubt the Caribbean, for my cousin’s wedding. Being on an Island where there is no trace of human life is really an incredible feeling!
Favorite drink? I love Fanta !
Favorite meal/snack? Tough question, I’ll go for sashimi.
Favorite headphone? My Bose- Quiet Comfort Headphones, they are noise reducing, I use it a lot. Not for DJ-sets, but just to listen to quality music.
Favorite producing equipment? Definitely my KRK’s monitors in my studio !
Belgium or The Netherlands? Well, I’m from Belgium…
A bearded man or a shaved man? If I wanted to let my beard grow, it would look like nothing, so I’ll go for a shaved man ! But, that doesn’t mean I don’t love my label, The Bearded Man!
What’s next for you? Anything on the horizon you can speak of? I’ve got some pretty exciting remixes and original tracks I’m looking forward to sharing with everyone !
Anything else you’d like to tell MUSIC4MONTAGE and your fans? Well, I’d like to thank you all for the amazing support throughout this whole year. Stay as you are !
Follow Felix on his social networks! Facebook / Instagram / Soundcloud / Twitter
A post shared by Diepgraven Records (@diepgravenrecords) on Dec 29, 2014 at 5:54am PST
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